Apply for Sponsorship

Apply for Sponsorship

Please click the button below for all applicants including: RAs, TPRAs, and external organizations (RSOs)

For any questions, please email

Scroll down for more resources



Applications must include a presentation and an itemized budget. Below are templates for both and an exemplar application that received all 5s according to our grading rubric.

Presentation Template

Our presentation template offers a structured outline of the essential information that should be included in your presentation. Please pay special attention to the Program Overview and Budget Breakdown slides as they are heavily considered during the review process.

This template ensures that crucial details are conveyed to the General Assembly and Finance Committee in a clear and concise manner, increasing the chances of a successful sponsorship request. However, it is a rudimentary template so feel free to get creative and make it your own!

Line-Item Budget Template

Our General Assembly acts as stewards of the residents’ money and works to ensure that funds are spent responsibly. As such, we require a line-item budget with all expenses that will be incurred for your program. Additionally, applicants should include the following information:

  • Total Cost

  • Cost per resident

  • HA/RA Contribution

  • Sponsorship Amount Requested

Sponsorships are graded on a 5-point basis using the following rubric. Criteria points are added up and then divided by 5 in order to produce the final Sponsorship Score.

  • Sustainability: How effectively the program planners minimized environmental impact by using sustainable and local methods.

  • Reach: How effective the advertising and outreach strategy to the target audience.

  • Equity: Whether everyone has equal access to the event regardless of disabilities OR the event will uplift and/or build community to marginalized communities OR provides services to at-risk populations.

  • Cost Efficiency: How effectively program planners minimized costs, while sustaining maximum impact to the best of their ability. And degree of financial contribution made in proportion to remaining budget.

  • Impact: Completion of all the goals listed in the program description to benefit the residents livelihoods.

Exceptional Application that Received Perfect Score

The attached application was submitted by the 2022-23 Unit 3 Hall Association. It is an exemplar application that received the highest rating on our five-factor grading rubric. The applicants went above and beyond in their presentation and budget. Applications CAN receive funding without a perfect score and we do NOT expect all applications to look like this. However, by reviewing this example, current applicants can gain insights into what makes a compelling proposal and may use it as a reference to enhance their own presentations.

For a more detailed breakdown of the sponsorship process and grading rubric, please take a look at this presentation.

A score of all 1s will:

Automatically not be recommended by the finance committee unless changes are made.

If you have any questions, please email

Why is this rubric important?

A score of all 5s will:

Automatically be recommended the full amount asked (IF budget allows)